
10 Common Website Design Mistakes Construction Firms Make

Whether you’re building a new construction website or refreshing your current one, there’s a lot that can go wrong.

Just like construction projects, website building requires a solid plan, a sharp eye for detail, and the right tools to keep everything performing at its best. And it’s your 24/7 billboard - people are evaluating you when you don’t even know it.

So if you’ve been DIY-ing your website design or haven’t updated it in years, you might be making mistakes that put off your target audience without even realizing.

From content blunders to ignoring SEO, make sure you’re not making the most common website mistakes we see all the time with construction web design.

Mistake 1: Playing ‘Guess Who’ with Your Audience

This is one of the biggest mistakes you could possibly make when you’re building your construction website. If you don’t keep your target audience in mind, you’ll end up attracting bad-fit clients – or worse, no clients at all – because your website lacks a clear direction.

Before you start picking out website wallpapers, ask yourself, "Who am I building this for?" If you're aiming for families dreaming up their forever homes, your tone and content will be completely different than if you're targeting big commercial developers.

Whip out your detective hat and get to know your audience. Do a little research, maybe chat with past clients, or check out what the competition is doing. Once you've got a clear picture, tailor everything on your site – from images to words – to speak directly to these people.

Mistake 2: DIY Design Disasters

We all love a good DIY, but when it comes to your website, it's worth calling in the pros.

A site with poor layout and clunky graphics screams amateur and sends the message that you might cut corners on the job – not the first impression you want to give to a new website visitor.

So, how can you avoid this mistake?

Invest in a professional web designer who understands the construction industry and can translate your brand's strengths into a visually-appealing and functional website. They know best practices, what design mistakes to avoid, how to help you build a website that makes a strong first impression, and provides a seamless user experience.

Mistake 3: Forgetting about Phone Users

73.1% of web designers believe that non-responsive design is a top reason visitors bounce. With everyone glued to their mobile devices and most website traffic coming from mobile users, your web pages need to look just as beautiful on a tiny screen as they do on a desktop.

Grab your phone, pull up your website, and test it. If things look wonky, or it's a pain to navigate, it's time for a responsive design makeover. Responsive design means your site will look great and work well for website visitors on any device, from desktops to smartphones.

It's like making sure your doorways are wide enough for everyone to get through – just good planning.

Mistake 4: Overlooking SEO Best Practices

A staggering 93% of global traffic comes from Google. If Google can't find you, neither can your customers. So think of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) as your firm's loudspeaker for the search engine results pages. It ensures that when someone types "best construction company near me" into the search bar, your firm’s name pops up.

Start with the basics – make sure each page of your site has a clear title and a meta description that includes keywords people might use to find your services.

Add fresh content regularly, like blog posts or project updates, and make sure your site's structure is clean and straightforward. Think of it as laying down clear signage so Google (AND your target audience) can easily find their way around.

Mistake 5: Yawn-inducing Content

88% of online users won’t return to a site after a bad experience, and uninspiring content is a common culprit. Bland, unengaging content won't hold anyone's attention, let alone convince them to pick up the phone.

Your website's words should do more than just fill space; they should inspire, inform, and call people to action. It's how you tell potential clients, "Hey, we're exactly what you're looking for." If your message isn't clear or engaging, you're missing out on the chance to connect.

Inject some life into your content. Share stories, highlight projects, and speak directly to your clients' needs. Keep it interesting, informative, and conversational to draw readers in and keep them engaged.

Mistake 6: Lack of Clear Calls-to-Action

Ever been on a website and thought, "Okay, what now?" That's the last thing you want your visitors to feel. Clear calls-to-action (CTAs) are your way of saying, "Here's what to do next."

End each page with a friendly nudge about what to do. Add buttons or links that stand out and make the next steps crystal clear. Whether it's getting in touch, requesting a quote, or just learning more about your services, make it as easy as possible for visitors to take action.

Want more info on better web design? Check out, “10 Benefits of a Great Construction Website Design & 10 Signs You Need One.”

Mistake 7: Ignoring the Numbers

If you’re not tracking your site’s performance, you’re flying blind. Without user research through website analytics, you won’t know what’s working, what’s not, and where there’s room for improvement.

Sign up for Google Analytics, pop the tracking code onto your site, and start keeping an eye on the basics. Watch for trends like which pages are popular and where your visitors are coming from. Use this intel to adjust and improve your site over time.

The most important metrics webmasters track are conversion rates, total monthly visitors, and click-through rate.

Mistake 8: Slow Website Speed

A slow-loading website is a surefire way to lose visitors before they even see what you offer. It's like having a salesperson who takes forever to greet customers – not the best strategy for winning business.

Test your site's speed with tools like Google's PageSpeed Insights and follow their recommendations to trim the fat.

This might mean compressing website images, cleaning up your code, or upgrading your hosting. Think of it as making sure your tools and equipment are in top form before starting a job – it keeps everything running smoothly.

Mistake 9: Hiding Your Trophy Case

Your portfolio is your digital trophy case. It's where you show off the fruits of your labor and tell the stories of the projects you've brought to life. A lackluster portfolio doesn't just sell your work short; it undersells your entire business.

Your portfolio is your pride and joy, so give it the spotlight it deserves

Include a variety of projects, share the challenges you’ve overcome, and the solutions you’ve provided. Use high-quality images and consider adding client testimonials to each project.

Mistake 10: Playing Hard to Get

Ever been ready to make a call or send an email, only to go on a scavenger hunt to find the contact info you need? It's maddening. Your website should make it as easy as possible for clients to reach out, with clear, visible contact details.

Make your contact info impossible to miss. Put it in the header, the footer, and on a dedicated contact page. Consider adding a simple contact form to make reaching out even easier. You want to be ready and available when opportunity knocks.

Building a Website That Works as Hard as You Do

A well-constructed website showcases your expertise, connects with your audience, and sets you apart from the competition. Building an effective website takes time and expertise. With strrategic planning and the right team, your website can become your most powerful marketing tool.

Ready to lay the foundation for a killer website? BRIXbranding is here with the blueprint. We specialize in building standout websites for the construction industry that are visually impressive and optimized for performance and user experience.

Let's join forces to build a digital presence that truly reflects the quality and professionalism of your work. Reach out today, and let's get building!